Wednesday 16 December 2009


Here are the interview questions that we put together to get peoples different view points on how much you have to spend to be fashionable:

Interview questions for Lisa Smedley who wears mostly clothes from charity shops.

1. Why do you buy clothes from charity shops?

2. What do you look for when going to charity shops?

3. Do you own more charity shop clothes than high street?

4. How much do you spend on charity shop clothes a month?

5. Who are your fashion influences?

6. Does music also influence your fashion sense?

7. Do you think there is prejudice about charity shop clothes? Why do you think this is?

8. Can you talk us through your wardrobe please?

Interview questions for Neil Cooper, a designer at Repooc couture.

1. Where do you get inspiration for your designs?

2. Do any high street or designer stores influence your designs?

3. Have you ever bought clothes from a charity shop?

4. Do you think that there are pressures within society to own designer brands and to be on trend?

5. You said on your website that you believe the fashion world is being dominated by more and more high street giants- can you explain why you think this?

Vox Pop questions for Liverpool Town Centre

1. What do you associate with the phrase 'Shabby Chic'?

2. Where do you shop for clothes? Why?

3. Would you shop at a charity shop? Why?

4. What do you think of what I'm wearing?

5. What if I told you that it only cost £4 from a charity shop?

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